Roast Possum Theme

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Challenges we face in society for a chance to make it
The poems In life we find ourselves in certain situations where we are compelled to fit into society, groups, or environment. and either have to go head on into the problem, find a way around it or at times we fake it to create a chance at survival. Although survival isn’t always certain, it is still worth the risk. As we can see in the case of the narrator in the “Roast Possum”, he points out how the possum plays dead in order to gain an opportunity of surviving. Hughes poem “Theme for English b” softly commends on racial tension. The poet expresses the isolation felt by a student. The professor, had to in turn prove to him on his paper, stating how there are things we can learn a thing or two from one another. Circumstances such as these create an awkward situation that forces changes on the party involved. In the poem “Roast Possum” the poet illustrated how people of color dealt with racism and discrimination in their time. In today’s society, people of color are feeling some kind of way. There is no wiggle room to play Possum, the poem reflected times when all that was required was knowledge, patient and hope that things would work out. Now 2017, New Year, new president, new day. People of color are out of …show more content…

He is showing by example what he wants each citizen to aspire to, he is proving that he is a man of his word. Irrespective how majority at large are being affected by his choices, President Trump is moving his agenda forward, he said that America is like his baby and his goal is to protect his child from all harm regardless of ethnicity, gender or religion. So the years of focusing on the blackness of America are numbered, if order to enjoy liberty in 2017, you must be focused on task at hand. Work hard; be savvy in your dealings and accountable for every