
Robert Frost Research Paper

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Robert Frost is and was an astonishing poet that countless people respect today. He is a great influence on a lot of poets and writers today. In his works, his ideas and themes are marvelous and are highly valued by a lot of people. His themes range from a wide variety but the most important ones are the theme of nature and how he portrays dark themes in his poems. Robert Frost utilizes nature to convey his perspective and additionally to make his poetry fascinating and uncomplicated to visualize in your head or mind throughout the details he supplies. Robert Frost’s life events are greatly influential throughout his poetry, with the death of many of his family members, the lack of money, and his love (Craig).
Robert Frost was born to …show more content…

Robert Frost is recognized as one of the great poets of the 20th century. He spent most of his life as a farmer in rural America. A recurring motif of symbolism of the poet’s works includes the scramble of the ordinary family, which is a reflection of his experiences with rural America, and it also addresses the stress of the American Society when it competed with the stress of the post-war and the effects of the Great Depression and the struggles of rural America.
Frost drifted through a string of occupations after leaving school, working as a teacher, cobbler, and editor of the Lawrence Sentinel. His first published poem, “My Butterfly," appeared on November 8, 1894, in the New York newspaper The Independent. After Frost married Elinor Miriam White, the couple moved to England in 1912, after they tried and failed at farming in New Hampshire. It was abroad that Frost met and was influenced by such contemporary British poets as Edward Thomas, Rupert Brooke, and Robert Graves. While in England, Frost also established a friendship with the poet Ezra Pound, who helped to promote and publish his work. Frost also wanted to restore to literature the sentence sounds that underlie the words, “vocal gesture” that enhances meaning (Craig). That is, he felt the poet’s ear must be …show more content…

These most likely added to his darker poems. Also not only did Robert Frost have sadness and depression but also his wife and mother also did suffer from this. A series of events led up to his depression. Some included his father dying of tuberculosis, and on the other hand, his mother dying of cancer. Both his sister and daughter were committed to a mental facility. Most of his children died at an early age and his wife developed cancer. His poetry deals with the topics of death, loss, and the topics to keep his mind clear by highlighting them with symbolism (Craig). Frost thought of life in simple day tasks, such as picking apples with a ladder sticking “through a tree/Toward heaven still” (Craig). The connotation of “still” in Robert Frost’s poetry gives the reader the idea that he has been doing so for a very long time (Craig). Robert Frost’s use of simple motifs of the symbolism of a tree being the bridge to heaven and the ladder back to his missed loved ones demonstrates to the reader his longing for the return of his family since his childhood. Robert Frost also talks about something white in some of his poems and how he lost it (Craig). The connotation of “something white” demonstrates to the reader that a pure idea of life and happiness once befell Frost, and then he “lost it” demonstrating his underlying loss of his family (Craig). Frost’s extensive use of symbolism helps

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