
Robert Frost Research Paper

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Frost was busy. From writing occasional lectures, receiving honorary degrees from private universities and many other educational institutions, and accepting prizes for all over the world, he was also invited to the White house to dine with then President Dwight Eisenhower. “Frost had admired General Eisenhower and was delighted by the honor.” (Potter 42) Correspondingly, he traveled the world, even meeting Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union in 1962. His literacy success was great; however, personal tragedy occurred when Elinor Frost went house shopping in Florida in March 1938. She suffered several severe heart attacks and perished within a day. (Potter 34) “Frost, who was himself ill, the loss was unbearable; he felt that he had …show more content…

Kennedy won the presidential election of the United States of America in 1960, Congressman Stewart L. Udall, now planning the Presidential Inauguration, suggested that Robert Frost present one of his works at the inauguration. Udall came to know Frost, as a consultant at the Library of Congress, when Udall was working at Congress. Kennedy approved of this proposition and began conversing with Frost. The president-elect wanted Frost to write a new poem before the inauguration, but time was in short supply. “The Gift Outright” was suggested by the president-elect who asked for a few changes at the end. “’I suppose so,’ Frost responded, hesitantly. Even a president-elect should not tamper with his work.” (Parini 413) Late at night on the eve of the morning of January 20, 1960, Frost composed simply “Dedication.” The poem, “had been typed the night before the Inauguration in the hotel office, and the letters were not adequately dark… Frost worried that, in the January sun, he might have difficulty reading.” (Parini 414) One hour into the historical ceremony, Cardinal Richard Cushing gave his speech, Marion Anderson sang the National Anthem, and Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into as vice-president ( Parini 414). Frost, as predicated by Kennedy before the inauguration, “Stole the show.” (Potter …show more content…

Kennedy, was unable to attend, but sent as his replacement, the man that traveled with Frost, Stewart L. Udall. Even Supreme Court Judge, Earl Warren, participated at Amherst that chilly January day. “Robert Frost had continued to hold a close personal friendship with the members of this court until the day of his death.” (Mertins 422) Calvin Plimpton, the president of Amherst, paid his tribute to Frost at the chapel stating solemnly, “Robert Frost’s poetry is with us. What we shall miss is the man.” (Mertins 423) Robert Frost never talked about faith often found in his works. “To resolve this intricate problem held by the poet was to end an impossible task even for a thinking man, his friends or others.” (Mertins 423). A Bishop of Amherst who was perhaps the closest individual to solving this problem. “Frost believed that the source of all truth was God…the passing of this life was an opportunity to discover more truth.” (Mertins 423) Robert Frost, the man, had left our world indefinitely, but his works and influence will live on for eternity. He will always be

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