There are people in this world who think that money can give them anything. This can be from food and water to ease and joy. They comprehend that money will give them a life filled with ease and happiness. Imagine working 12 hours a day to get money. You do this so that your family has the supplies to provide for themselves, but as a result you never get to see them. Consequently, this will lead to an obsessive, joyless life for a person doing whatever it takes to get cash. D.H. Lawrence demonstrates this perfectly in his short story by including foreshadowing and symbolism in, “The Rocking Horse Winner,” D.H. Lawrence clarifies that the greediness of wanting money leads to insanity and unhappiness.
Throughout the story, D.H. Lawrence teaches by foreshadowing event that the greed for money leads to a crazy mind and joyless life. In the text, it states, “Two nights before the Derby, she was at a big party in town, when one of her
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Lawrence uses symbolism by representing that the greed for money has transformed into insanity and grief. In the text it says, “Paul is urging” the rocking horse (Lawrence 227). This proves that Paul has lost his authority of his greed. If money wasn’t Paul’s obsessive ambition, he wouldn’t feel like he needed permission from an inanimate object to stop. Moreover, the text also states,” There must be more money Oh-h-h; there must be more money. Oh, now now-w - there must be more money- more than ever! More than ever!”(Lawrence 180). The voices in the house represent the anxiety for happiness and money. The whole family is crazy about obtaining happiness so they look for it in money. Because money can’t provide that, the whole family goes insane in result. To summarize, the symbolism in the story by D.H. Lawrence is provided so the readers know that even though the characters believe that money will give them joy, the need for money only brings them insanity and unhappiness that will hurt them physically and mentally in the