Rogers Communications Inc.: Organizational Structure

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From the strategic design lens organizations are seen as social systems deliberately constructed to achieve certain strategic goals. There are three key elements that form strategic design which is the following: strategic grouping, linking, and aligning. One of the largest Canadian companies, Rogers Communications Inc. employs approximately 26,000 employees, providing services nationally throughout Canada. Due to its operation in numerous provinces of Canada and offering of various services, Rogers Communication contains an organizational structure chart for each province which is segregated by means of service. As mentioned on their corporate website, the organizational structure of Rogers Communications is led by the Board of Directors, accompanied by officers, and then segregated by the following service divisions: Rogers Wireless, Rogers Cable, and Rogers Media. The Rogers Wireless division consists of the sections Rogers Wireless Alberta, Fido. The Rogers Cable division is formed solely by the division with no sections. The Rogers Media division has several sections such as Rogers Publishing Limited, Rogers Broadcasting Limited, and Blue Jays Hodeo. Respectively, the divisions exhibit their own subsections such as, …show more content…

Rogers is a telecommunications company whose operation is based heavily in Canada. As such there is an extensive organizational chart which is segregated in accordance to province, suggesting grouping by market or geography. This type of grouping demonstrates a keen grasp over of customer based knowledge. Also, this method allows for customer centric (customized) goods, this translates well for Rogers as it can adjust for demand in different provinces accordingly. Disadvantages of this method however include duplication of resources across provinces. This method also erodes technical expertise with valuable resources spread across