Role In Agile Project

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INTRODUCTION This essay reflects to view the role of analysts in agile projects as put across by the writers of system analysis and design. According to Satzinger, Jackson and Burd (2012, p.6) agile development is an information system development that emphasizes flexibility to anticipate new requirements during development. The information regarding the role of analysts in agile project, the impact of analysts in agile projects, how they contribute to team success, how they adapt to the change in nature of the agile project and lastly how they contribute to team success is discussed as analysed. In all the articles and information found there is no literally evidence that all organisations that has developed agile projects without involving …show more content…

‘Business analysts have adapt to the new processes and understand not just the template of the artefacts that needs to be produced (Epics and User Stories) but the spirit of the agile methodology” (Salo, 2004, p. 310). (Salo, 2004) states that the nature of agile projects places a tremendous amount of responsibility and accountability on these analysts and for analyst to understand the scope of a project, they need to consider two aspects: breadth and depth but however it is crucial to understand the breadth of that which is to be delivered as it helps teams understand the long term goals and vision and this in turn helps with the release planning and breaking …show more content…

274)) a project developed using the traditional approach is seen to be better than a project developed using an agile approach because in a traditional approach the requirements of the projects are well defined and on the other hand with a project developed using an agile approach the requirement document is not complete and these requirements are not well defined not to mention well understood but however the requirements can only be discovered by doing the project. Wysocki (2010, p. 274) believes that there are more high risks in agile projects than the risks that are traditional projects because in agile projects the customers and the developing team have no ability to define the requirements as well as complete these requirements and it is much believed that this risk in agile projects is caused by the unknown in the project, however” in the end the traditional and agile approaches converge on the same artifacts” (Wysocki, 2010, p.