Role Of Humanism

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With no doubt, the most important intellectual task of the present, within the global cultural perspective, is the establishment, implementation and practicing of a new kind of humanism. Current global conflicts in politics, economics, social, culture and religion demand strongly for defining and strengthening a global culture of values, morals, ethics, and humanity. Thus, a new role of humanity in the context of human belief system needs to be redefined. Extremism, fundamentalism, and terrorism in all aspects of human life (religious in particular) as well as hunger, poverty and misery, and economic disparity between rich and poor globally provide sufficient evidence for the necessity of redefining humanity. With no equilibrium system in world …show more content…

But how much it could do so universally? As observe, religion seems to be a worrisome obstacle to the development of a common value system that has universal appeal. One may argue that religious fundamentalism strongly opposes any attempt to establish a universalistic humanism as a leading principle of understanding of cultural diversity and building harmonious relationship among them. Why, because the humanist outlook goes along with a secular way of life, which is not way religion recommends. But even beyond this opposition between religion and secularism, religion remains a problem of intercultural communication. When religious belief combines with universally accepted truth, it negates all other belief systems as untrue and invalidates other religious views to be valid. Perhaps the best solution is to overcome the specific forms of static religious doctrine in favour of a universally accepted common morality or system of ethics and values. But religion cannot be reduced to or even dissolved into that morality. Rather, it remains, alongside its own logic, within the domain of specific cultural and religious orientation …show more content…

Whereas, different religions breed hate, animosity, hostility, riots, and even war among each others. When humanity unites people of all religions in one platform then different religions divide people between religions. Humanity, with the quality of being humble, brings inner peace. The less compelled you are to try to prove yourself to others the easier it is to feel inner peace. Morality comes from humanism as it fights for human rights, dignity, progress, and rationalism but religions of varied ideologies steel morality for their purposes. We don’t need a religion to have morals; if we can’t determine right from wrong, then we look empathy, not religion. Humanism is important because of the fact that having a non-superstitious worldview allows us to make more ethical choices based on general desire to do the most possible good. In terms of the reality of the world today, Dalai Lama has said that all the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness that can promote good values do not appear to be adequate in recent time. He also opined that the grounding ethics in religion is not too good to