Role Of Microaggression In Everyday Life

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Microaggressions in pursuit

There are a lot of us these days we get offended or discomfort by what people say about us because it could be our looks, how we sound or could be something else. These days we don’t want to feel slightly hurt or make the assumption and feel underappreciated. This can be a word called “Microaggression”. The way I see what microaggression could be it is when someone feels slightly offended. The times when I experienced microaggression is throughout my college life when I did feel offended, though often in places like a college campus different people experienced microaggression even more. Microaggression there is a couple videos saying what is and they say the exact same words it’s when everyday slights and hidden insults to the people. There was a video called “Microaggression Everyday Life” the person said its towards also color people, LGBT every day. Visualizing what microaggression could be there would be someone saying, “so like what are you?”, “you look pretty for a dark color person”, and “no really where are you from?” Some students can feel microaggression at their campus and another video called “Microaggression” also said it can be dangerous and face difficult situations. I agree about that microaggression is dangerous there are people …show more content…

Sometimes here and there I had people come up to me oh I look Indian as well. When people come up to me thinking I only speak Spanish and they speak Spanish straight away I must tell them “I only speak English”. I get odd looks\ and sometimes they say “but you are Mexican “Just because I look Mexican doesn’t mean I only speak Spanish. It reminds me of this article I read “The coddling of the American mind” there was a part in the article about Asians “aren’t you supposed to be good at math?” assuming what they say is the