Occupational Therapy Research Paper

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Occupational Therapy Emerging Areas

Occupational therapy is one of the applied medical science majors which involved with enhance health and well-being through occupation. “Occupations refer to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life. Occupations include things people need to, want to and are expected to do” (1). Occupational therapist usually help patients who have physical, neurological, or cognitive disabilities.

Occupational therapy has evolved over years to become a major career in healthcare. it starts in 1793, Phillipe Pinel started to practice moral treatment by using literature, music, and physical exercise as treatment for …show more content…

There are six emerging areas the occupational therapist can work in Needs of children and youth, Community health and wellness, aging in place, Driver assessments and training programs, Ergonomics consulting, Technology and assistive-device developing and consulting. These areas show the diversity of occupational therapist role, each one can provide different services it depends on the patient’s …show more content…

OT practitioners do not just remediate problems but also, they think of managing function. The occupational therapist can work in a several places, including hospitals, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, hospices, rehabilitation centers, home health agencies, schools, industrial clinics, outpatient clinics. Usually OT practitioner must find solution for everyday activities of the patient. For example, if someone got injured by car accident and he/she got hemiplegia, OT practitioner teach this person how to occupy the injury. Furthermore, they help people with disabilities how they can make ordinary tasks and sometimes they make changes in their environment to make things easier to them. Occupational therapy has noticeable improvement in the last century, and we can improve it more if we do further studies, also provide the right place to them for work. In addition, people must be more aware about our role and about our major especially in Saudi Arabia many people do not know anything about occupational therapy and how its