
Role Of Slaves In Roman Society

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Ka-plump! The jumps just keep getting easier and easier. I may have just been so nervous on my first two that I couldn’t relax and enjoy the travel. Whether I enjoy the jump or not, I’m still in Rome as of this instant. My goal is to explore the civilization and learn about their lifestyle. I will look at the society’s government, military, and religion. In the introduction, I stated how my goal was making it to three different societies and in each society explain the role of someone on another social status. In Mesopotamia I was a middle class artisan. In India, I was a powerful ruler. Here in Rome I am going to take the role of a slave. I am now officially into the body of a slave. Slaves here in the Roman Empire are quite common. It seems as if about one in every 5 people I see is slaves. Different slaves have different roles. Some help in the house. Some help in construction. Other slave roles include working in workshops, military, and have many different services in the city. The Romans view us slaves, not as a cruel punishment to man, but as a necessity to everyday life. …show more content…

It is not possible to have the greatest empire of all time with a weak government. We are really one of the first societies not to have a monarch. A monarch is when one person holds all power. We believe that a republic is the best way to run the government. This gives people the power to elect representatives, therefore not putting everything into one person. The only downfall to that is as of now, me being a lower class slave, I can’t vote. Only the Patriarchs can vote. Patriarchs are what we call the upper class men. The lower class men are known as the plebeians. From everything I have heard, that will quickly be changed and both Patriarchs and Plebeians will have the right to

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