Role Of Teacher In Multicultural Society

1584 Words7 Pages
Role of Teacher in Multicultural Society
Abstract: The process of acquiring knowledge, skills and experience by an individual is basically known as ‘Education’. Education makes an individual civilized and cultured. Cultural diversity or multicultural society has been the main challenge in imparting the education. Cultural diversity is basically the quality of different cultures. There are different societies that differed distinctly from each other and many of these differences persist till today. As cultural diversity is a challenge in teaching learning process, it is not an easy task for a teacher to educate an increasingly diverse student population in school. It becomes the responsibility of the teacher to meet the needs of students from the culturally diverse societies. Teachers need to behave in such a way to overcome these difficulties that they face because of the persistence of cultural diversity. In this paper discussion is made upon the role played by the teacher in culturally diverse society.

Key Words: Education, Role of Teacher, cultural diversity, Multicultural Society

INTRODUCTION: In the Vedic times education was imparted through guru shishya parmpara in gurukuls but now many other institutions like schools, colleges universities are the means to pursue this work. In these institutions education is imparted by using different methods, skills, strategies etc. applied in teaching learning process. Teachers teach the students by following the