
Roman Gods Vs Greek Gods

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It is claimed that the entire pantheon of the Roman gods was borrowed from the Greeks and were polytheist. Among the five Greek Gods that found a place in the Roman religion are Jupiter to the Romans, Zeus to the Greeks; Mars to the Romans, Ares to the Greek; Venus to the Romans, Aphrodite to the Greek; Neptune to the Romans, Poseidon to the Greek and Minerva to the Romans, Athena to the Greek (Grant, 2022).
Jupiter was the god of thunder and lightning having control over the skies. He was associated with justice, authority and protection for the whole region since he was regarded to have power and wisdom (Dillon, 2019).
Mars was the Roman god of war portrayed to be brutal, a fearless mighty warrior and regarded as father of Romulus and Remus the legendary founders of Rome (Dillon, 2019).
Venus was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility associated with desire, passion and seduction who …show more content…

The Roman empire conquered vast areas of the Mediterranean including many Greek cities who had very strong beliefs which were adapted by the Romans but not the exact way because of the change in the many deities, influence from other cultures and adaptations, the beliefs changed to distinct Roman worship. The Romans had earlier beliefs in terms of household gods like the worship of Lares and Penates who were household gods, they protected the people in the families, provided them with food and blessed them which was district to the Romans who put emphasis on it (Grant, 2022). Furthermore, the Romans put great importance on human rulers who were seen as gods because of their great contributions to the empire through political activities and imperial aspirations like Julius Caesar and Augustus (Grant, 2022). These beliefs were unique to the Romans and not the Greeks, hence the Roman religion, though borrowed from Greek, is distinct in its nature and

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