Roman Legacy

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The Roman Legacy Of Architecture And Engineering

I definitely believe that the Legacy of Roman Architecture and Engineering has had the greatest impact on today's society. Even though the Roman Empire eventually collapsed and didn't last, the ideas and new styles the Romans used stuck around for a long time and are still around today. All of the roman legacies started out just in Rome but soon, all around the world, there are important monuments or buildings have roman architecture ideas incorporated into them. The most important roman legacies are roman art, roman architecture and engineering, the roman language and writhing, and the roman laws, philosophies, and leaderships. Without a doubt, I believe that roman architecture and engineering …show more content…

The roman roads were made with layers of stone, sand, and gravel. The techniques used to build the roman roads were set as the standard way to build roads for 2,000 years. Roman roads helps with traveling and faster transportation because before there used to be roads in Rome, the Romans had to travel in a dirt path which made traveling take more time. In Rome, traveling on a dirt path used to be more difficult because if there was an instant need of troops somewhere, getting them there fast would be a challenge due to the low quality roads. Roads also help with communication and meeting new people. Due to the roads, we were able to go from one place to another which allowed us to communicate and share new ideas. We see roads almost everywhere in the world because they are very helpful with faster transportation and it has become a necessary part of our daily …show more content…

Many of the important statues or monuments we have in America are based off of the Roman designs. Many of the designs include arches, domes, and arched vaults. Arches are more cost efficient because they save material, they take up less space, they are stronger, look more beautiful, and they represent power, triumph, and prestige. Domes also create more space. Concrete is a mixture of broken stone, sand, cement and water, which is very strong. We can see multiple buildings made of concrete or multiple statutes made of cement. Two arches that are very popular are the Arc de Triumph in Paris, France and The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, United States. One famous dome structure that is in the United States is the Capitol Building. There is also The Pantheon, a temple for the gods, built with a huge dome on