Romans 8-1 Summary

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The book of Romans teaches us much about world we live in and the many qualities of living a Christian life. Romans 8-1, tells us much about how we should view the natural world, our human identity, our relationships, culture and so on. Paul wrote the book of Romans because of the sin or fault line in the Roman culture. His main concern was to proclaim the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ by teaching doctrine and to encourage other believers who would receive this letter. “He builds a airtight case for lostness of humanity” (Romans 1:18–3:20) Paul was a Roman citizen; he wanted all Jews and Gentiles to hear the gospel and have salvation. Knowing this, I believe that the sins that are committed back in Paul’s day with the Roman soldiers are …show more content…

The culture we have now in the 21st century is hostile toward God, just as it was back in the time of Rome. Caesar declared himself God to everyone, during Paul’s era. “In the 21st century, we have people who make their view of God a picture that is an image of themselves.” ( No matter what century we are in, it shows that human’s culture was always hostile with God. (Romans 8:6-8)
My worldview on the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture is not perfect, nor can it be because the world is ungodly. (Isaiah 9:17) Paul presses on that there is hope and there is righteousness for everyone that has faith in Jesus Christ. As the world grows darker each day, us believers must be the light in the darkness to others. “We must live a godly life as stated in God’s word.” (Titus 1:15-16) Even know our culture won’t change, we can still have faith in Jesus Christ.
According to my essay, in the subjects of the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture, we as believers of God, we must preach the Great Commission for people to succeed. (Matthew 28:16-20