Romeo And Juliet Annotated

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A prose is defined as the equivalent of spoken language. It is written in words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and chapters. It utilizes punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary to develop its message that explores our desires to know ourselves and others, the unknown mysteries of existence in order to make sense of the chaos and connect with our kind. Today marks the beginning of our prose, whether it becomes a novel or a short story, today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. William Shakespeare once wrote “There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their lives is bound in sorrow and in misery. On such a full sea are we now …show more content…

A plot begins with the initial incident that puts the story into gear, the rising action which is the series of complication in the narrative, the climax which is the highest point of interest of action or tension, the falling action and the denouement which is the resolution that ties up the loose ends of the plot. Remember today for it is the beginning of always, like a promise for persisting through life, a belief in each other and the possibilities that lies ahead. Today is the celebration of the chances yet to be taken and the challenges and triumph that lies ahead. Today is a mere formality, an announcement to the world of the promises and dreams made so long ago in the sacred spaces of our hearts. At this moment we are ready break the covenant which has bound us to our outline and our introduction and beginning to write our plot. Starting from today we are at the beginning of the initial incident, and the beginning to the rest of our …show more content…

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." William Earnest Henley wrote these words in Invictus and today these words describe the beginning of our plot as the masters of our pen and the writers of our prose. At this very moment there are over 6.5 billion people in the world among which we are only one, but sometimes all you need is one. In a world governed by men, ravaged by war, poverty, famine, sanctions and self-interest of power, we as women have to speak twice as loud in order to be heard, we have to do everything twice as good in order to be notice. With the odds working against us we have to strive to surpass them in order to bring about change not only in our society but in the world. The future that lies ahead holds great promises but also countless obstacles that will try to test us, to bring us down, destroy our character and hinder the development of our plot. Do not allow yourselves to become a static character in your own story and in your own lives. Instead be the dynamic characters that you are and the change the world so that you make your life so beautiful that it will be worth remembering, influence your surroundings do not allow them to influence