Romeo And Juliet Character Traits Essay

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Juliet’s Traits of Love In William Shakespeare’s classic play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet expresses genuine and direct feelings through her character's traits and personality. As the play progresses, Juliet’s character traits become more refined. By the end of the play, all the particular traits of commitment, passion, and loyalty come together to depict Juliet's undying love for the Montague family’s son. Throughout the play, Juliet portrays a strong sense of commitment toward Romeo. "Well, thou hast comforted me marvelous much. Go in; and tell my lady I am gone, Having displeased my father, to Lawrence' cell, To make confession and to be absolved." (Act 3, Scene V, Lines 232–235) After Juliet is scolded by her father for speaking against their …show more content…

"It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say it lightens. Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flow'r when next we meet. Good night, good night! As sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!" (Act 2, Scene ii, Lines 118–124) Juliet is speaking to Romeo about her thoughts on the relationship. They have just fallen in love, they are in the early stages of a relationship, and they should wait a little longer before they make any huge promises to each other. When she says things are too rash, unadvised, and sudden, she suggests to Romeo that they are moving too fast. Juliet having the courage to bring this up shows how passionate she is about her time, being able to evaluate and think things over before things flourish, and making sure she makes the right decisions. Though, once she decides she is ready to commit …show more content…

"My husband lives, that Tybalt would have slain; and Tybalt dead, that would have slain my husband." (Act 3, Scene ii, Lines 105–106) Following up on the news of Tybalt’s death which Juliet has just received, she tries to see past her cousin’s death and convince herself, Romeo's life is all that matters. This illustrates Juliet's loyalty toward Romeo because she chooses to view Romeo's side of the fight and concludes it is best things turned out the way they did; she chose not to go against Romeo and in the end, supports his actions. Additionally, Juliet does not only keep her loyalty to herself but also displays it to others.