Romeo And Juliet Compared To Today

861 Words4 Pages

Mady Fisher
April 5th
Then and now
In the play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare Young Love is incredibly serious but still very impulsive compared and contrasted to today's Young love. This is shown through the use of the author's chosen time period, the marital rules of the time period, and the time frame of the couple's love story. Romeo and Juliet is known as the iconic love story to date. Love story or tragedy there are many similarities and many many many differences in love then and now.
The first way Young Love in Romeo and Juliet is compared and contrasted to Young Love Today is through the time period William Shakespeare chose for the play. In this time period marriage was a big deal and very serious, specifically …show more content…

In today’s age we still see women marrying for money and not for love but this is most likely caused by the absence of a father not the other way around. Marrying your soulmate is the dream most people have. The practice of marriage is done with the vow of “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you.” Love has a deeper meaning now than it did in that time, with that being said some show that some things never change.
The final way that the author expresses the impulsive actions and the seriousness of the couple's relationship is through the use of the time frame of their love story. The couple met at a ball or gala. The couple confess their love by kissing. Only days after this they get married. The couple is very fast-paced and impulsive with their actions and commitments to each other. An example we see of this is “I hear thou must, and nothing May Prorogue it, on Thursday next to be married…”.This shows that they don't spend much time thinking about their marriage or their wedding by saying how quickly it is going to