
Romeo And Juliet Conflict

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Shakespeare’s composition of the characters, plot, language, and dramatic techniques in Romeo and Juliet evidently demonstrates that the star-crossed lovers are victims of conflict and fate. Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet were deeply infatuated lovers from feuding families who were fated to die a tragic death in order to bury their parent’s strife. This clearly indicates that the enduring themes of conflict and fate certainly relate to Romeo and Juliet, which will be further emphasised within this essay. Moreover, the characters, plot, language, and dramatic techniques in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet will be profoundly examined to create a sophisticated basis for the points illustrated. Shakespeare’s remarkable composition of Act 1 Scene …show more content…

This is evident in Friar Lawrence’s renowned soliloquy on Lines 9-10 on Act 2 Scene 3: “The earth, that’s nature’s mother, is her tomb. What is her burying, grave, that is her womb.” Firstly, the Friar metaphorically compares the birth and burial of plants to the birth of Romeo and Juliet, and the burial of their parent’s strife. Furthermore, Friar Lawrence foreshadows the miserable, yet peacemaking outcome of his well-devised plan: the fateful death of the star-crossed lovers, and the burial of the ancient grudge. Additionally, this quote reveals a sense of dramatic irony because the audience already knows about the death of Romeo and Juliet through the prologue. Therefore, Friar Lawrence’s actions are directly linked with the fact that Romeo and Juliet are victims of conflict and fate, evident within this analysis paragraph of Act 2 Scene …show more content…

This idea of conflict is conveyed within Act 3 Scene 2, on line 73: “O serpent heart hid with a flowering face!” In saying this, Juliet uses an oxymoron and a metaphor to simultaneously describe Romeo as a serpent, disguised as a handsome man. Specifically, Juliet was dwelling on her love for Romeo; she metaphorically compared Romeo’s heart to a serpent because Romeo murdered her cousin: Tybalt, a Capulet. Through this analysis, it is demonstrable that there is major conflict existing between Romeo and Juliet’s fateful relationship due to the oxymorons employed to convey Juliet’s thoughts and feelings for someone she dearly

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