
Romeo And Juliet Fate

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People generally assume that the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was caused by fate, but who was the real perpetrator who caused the famous tragedy? In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two lovers were destined to have a tragic fate. Many choices in the play were critical ones that greatly impacted the tragic finale of the play, and most people believe that they could have easily been avoided. However, these key choices in the play lined up perfectly to display the outcome that fate had decided upon. Although the tragedy was predestined, the choices that the characters made were what sent them to their demise. Juliet was the most responsible for the tragedy because she proposed marriage, eloped with her enemy, and kept pursuing …show more content…

After Tybalt’s death, Juliet reacts oddly, “O find him! Give this ring to my true knight” (III.ii.146). This quote shows when Juliet commanded the nurse to give Romeo a ring, the symbol of her love, even though he had just slain her cousin. Juliet’s decision to still be in love with her family’s enemy despite what he had done built up the love between the two lovers, but it also built up the lovers’ willingness to commit suicide which was incidentally the outcome of the play. Juliet’s strong love for Romeo also prompts her to defy her father, “I will not marry yet; and, when I do, I swear/It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate/Rather than Paris. These are news indeed” (III.v.121-123). This passage shows when Juliet defies her father by refusing to marry Paris because she loves Romeo too much to marry another man. This decision was important because women back in the day did not get a choice in who they would be wed to, so Juliet’s refusal to marry Paris led to the forceful tactics of her father which made her desperate to the point of suicide to not be wed to Paris. There are people who may say that Lord Capulet somewhat forced Juliet into marrying Paris anyways, but her refusal to go along with the marriage was a factor that caused her to be desperate enough to commit suicide in the end. Overall, Juliet choice to run off and marry Romeo instead of marrying Paris was a leading cause of the tragedy that came to

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