
Essay Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare's plays are an ancient representation of the world back then and are still being deciphered today. One of the most confusing is: Who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? In the book/play of Romeo and Juliet, they were 2 star crossed lovers who were “both alike in dignity” and lovers at first sight. They wanted to be together forever but could not because their families have had an ongoing rivalry for years. Each side wants to kill and they despise one another. I think that the tragedy should be blamed on the feud that has been going on for years, the Friar Lawrence, and Juliet herself. I believe that the main blame is on the feud between the 2 families. On the very first page, a man by the name of Gregory from the capulet house said The quarrel is between our masters and us. Their men. (act 1 scene 1) This tells us that this has been happening long enough for it to be going on for generations and shows no sign of stopping. In another essay on the topic, written by Lois Kershen, it states that They cannot escape the undertow of their families history. This also points to the idea of no sign of stopping for the feud and that they will always have hatred towards the other family. Another example in the text was when the capulets held a party but allowed no montagues to enter in causing that much more …show more content…

If, rather than to marry county paris, thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, then is it likely thou wilt undertake… And, if thou dar'st, i'll give thee remedy. (act 4 scene 1) This is what the Friar said to Juliet when she offered to kill herself over not staying with Romeo and marrying Paris and he clearly offers a potion of some sort that he wasn’t too fond of sharing it with her. This clearly means he doesn’t think that it is a good option if it wasn’t offered earlier and if he only brought it up at a time that he thought it was a desperate

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