
Romeo And Juliet Foolish Decisions Essay

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Without guidance, naive teenagers make foolish decisions without a second thought. However in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the audience watches as two young kids, Romeo and Juliet, get carried away by their seemingly deep love for each other with the destructive guidance by their two parental figures, The Nurse and The Friar. Though both of those figures play a role in leading the two young lovers to their untimely death, one of them is the main culprit in those tragic events. Friar Laurence, lacking foresight, willingly caused the teens to make foolish decisions by allowing his own agenda to cloud his judgment, as well as coming up with plans that actively endanger the children and ignoring their obvious distress. Final Sentence here To start off, the Friar’s guilt is obvious when regarding the attitude of the Friar throughout the play. For example, the Friar's calculating nature …show more content…

For instance, The Friar's idea to have Juliet fake her own death in order to escape marrying Paris is a prime example of a plan where the Friar does not consider the wellbeing of Romeo and Juliet. After Juliet takes poison and is placed in the Capulet crypt, Friar Laurence was supposed to inform Romeo of the plan, but that does not happen. The messenger being unable to deliver the letter, makes Romeo believe Juliet died. Thus Romeo buys poison and takes his own life, unable to live without her stating “Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night”(V.i.34). The fact that a parental figure would put children in such a life-threatening situation without accounting for the important details of the plan is inexplicable. Thus proving the undeniable fact that Friar Laurence is completely at fault for the death of Romeo, because apart from the fact that he acts both incompetent and irresponsible, he also puts those children in a risky situation without second

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