
Romeo And Juliet Hubris Quotes

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Emma Deroche Mrs. Shaffner English I 25 February 2023 Romeo and Juliet Essay The definition of hubris is one who believes they are above others and know better. Many authors use hubris in characters to teach a lesson that does not become relevant till the end of the story. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet one of the most influential characters, Friar Lawrence, portrayed hubris actions throughout the entirety of the play. Friar Lawrence serves as an advisor and mentor to both young lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are two new young lovers that feel the need to do anything in order to be with one another for eternity and are willing to risk their lives for love. Friar was a trusted man throughout the entirety of the community …show more content…

While Lady Capulet is just figuring out her child has died she exclaims, “O me! O me! My child, my only life/ Revive, look up, or I will die with thee./ Help, help! Call help.” (Shakespeare IV.v.24-26). While Friar Lawrence initially gave the potion to Juliet in order to help her, he did not think of what problems he could create outside of just Juliet's life. As shown in the quote her mother takes her “death” very hard and threatens to take her own life. While devising the plan Juliet the Friar states, “Hold, then. Go home;be merry; give consent/ To marry Paris. Wednesday is tomorrow./ Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone;/ Let not the nurse lie with thee in thy chamber.” (Shakespeare IV.i.91-94). Friar completely disregards any thought of what the family might act out as or think toward Juliet’s position in life. He gives no advice toward what is truly right and just keeps his pride by helping Juliet plan out and get away with a very risky plan. This plan later back fires in the play and gets both young lovers killed all because of Friar Lawrence’s unorganized …show more content…

After Juliet faked her own death Friar Lawrence interacts with the family and says, “Come, is the bride ready to go to church?” (Shakespeare IV.v.39). The Friar joyously says this knowing how her parents are probably already negatively affected by the death of their only child. He completely disregards any sign of sad or angry emotion shown by her parents and just tries to be positive instead of being comforting. This is a very self centered act because he feels he has complete power over everyone in this situation. After Friar Lawrence has already shown up to the scene of Juliet’s family, Lady Capulet says, “Accursed, unhappy, wretched, hateful day!/ Most miserable hour e’er time saw/ In lasting labor of his pilgrimage!/ But one, poor one, one poor and loving child,” (Shakespeare IV.v.49-52). Friar Lawrence so easily could have just stepped in with the pain Juliet’s parents are showing and stopped it. He knew the full truth behind everything that was going on and that was being hidden from Juliet’s poor parents. This just shows his selfish behavior because of how he is acting just for himself and not for the majority of the

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