
Romeo And Juliet Identity Essay

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Identity is the radiant beam of which binds and seals the course of an individual’s life. It decides a person’s actions, behaviour and perspective. Some may say that depending on the inception of one’s identity, it could completely remold their fate. In today’s society, identity is a prominent subject that is taken with mass importance, but it begs the question, what composes a person's identity? In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, a profusion of references towards what forms identity is present. Shakespeare unveils that identity is orchestrated by the countless conditions in one’s life. An individual’s identity is most prominently influenced by friends, family, societal expectations and interests.
To commence, ponder what your life …show more content…

Take for example, Romeo’s love interests towards Juliet and his interests of being together with her forever, which ultimately led him to his demise. After encountering a seemingly dead Juliet, Romeo decides to commit suicide in order to be with Juliet in the afterlife and fulfill his interests. As stated by Romeo, “A dateless bargain to engrossing death Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide. Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on The dashing rocks they seasick weary bark Here’s to my love” (V. iii. 115-120). Romeo’s enthralling interests during his dire moments of despair, coerced him into doing actions that he wouldn't have done if he didn’t have the same interests. And I absolutely entertain this fact, that someone’s interests can change their identity entirely. I have a bountiful amount of cases in life where this concept has been applied to either me or my friends. Six years ago, I took a massive interest in biking. Little would I know that the seemingly miniscule interest would have such a cosmic effect on my identity and life. My interest in biking led me to go on long bike rides with my friends, which prior to interest conception, was quite rare. This then again, made me create a non severable string of everlasting ties, memories,

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