Romeo And Juliet Love Quotes

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How does one know if love is meant to be? To what extent should one risk to pursue love, if the universe and everyone around you opposed it? Romeo and Juliet, the two star-crossed lovers, sacrificed everything in their grasp to go against these odds in order to be together. Although the events within the play never played to their liking, they were still determined to stay together. The play titled The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare uses fate and destiny to foreshadow the theme of tragic, unavoidable occurrences by incorporating numerous events which are indicative of what is to unfold. Romeo and Juliet are constantly faced with obstacles that jeopardize their love. The feud between the Montagues and the Capulets is an example of an interfering event that threatens the love between them. Stated in the quote" Tis but my name that is my enemy thou art thy self not a Montague," (II.ii.38-39). This quote shows that Romeo and Juliet's love is troubled and problematic because of the discord between their families; this complication is keeping their love apart. The ill fated …show more content…

Romeo is faced with yet another issue when he chooses to kill Tybalt and gets punished for it through banishment. Evidenced in the quote, "The citizens are up and Tybalt slain. Stand not amazed. The Prince will do thee death," (III.i.129-130). This explains another prime example in which the love between Romeo and Juliet experienced unfortunate circumstance. Romeo's rash decision of killing Tybalt initiates a rippling effect of preventative factors which will attribute to the termination of their love. The event of Tybalt's death manifests human caused events through irrational judgment. Romeo killing Tybalt further develops the theme of tragic and inevitable occurrences because Romeo’s actions incorporated yet another obstacle that increases the complications of their

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