
Romeo And Juliet Predetermined Fate

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William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, is a classic piece of literature that to this day captivates audiences. It tells the story of two star crossed lovers and ends with the tragedy of all tragedies. One of the most prominent themes in the play is the concept of predetermined destiny, which is reflected in the fate of the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet from the start are doomed for failure because of the vital role fate plays. In this essay, we will discuss the concept of predetermined destiny in Romeo and Juliet and how it relates to the play, as well as identify specific examples that show fate's hand in what resulted in one of the most tragic love stories of all time. One of the early and significant examples of fate's hand in the play is the meeting of Romeo and Juliet at the Capulet party. Romeo is still in love with his previous girl Rosalie, he attends the Capulet party with hopes he will see her. However, fate intervenes when he sees Juliet instead and it’s love at first sight. This encounter of fate sets the stage for the rest of the play, as it leads to a series of events that ultimately result in the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. …show more content…

First Romeo is fortune's fool by (accidentally) killing Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, because he’s mad Tybalt kills his friend Mercutio. This act sets off a chain reaction that leads to Romeo's banishment, which in turn makes it impossible for him to be with Juliet. This timing is crucial to the story, as it prevents Romeo from receiving the message that Juliet is not actually dead, leading to his tragic decision to take his own

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