Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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Views on Love
According to United Nation Population Fund 50 million girls will marry under the age of 15. In the play of William Shakespeare The Tragedy Of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are two star-crossed lovers who fall in love. When they find out that they are enemies a tragedy happens “where civil blood makes civil hands unclean” (pro.4) which then leaves a “death-marked love” (pro.9). This leaves the Montagues and Capulets punished. Through out the play, many of the characters have a different perspective on love. Romeo, Benvolio, Mercutio, Friar Lawrence, Juliet, and the Nurse all see love in an unlike way.
Romeo is serious about love, it is either love or death that he prefers. While Romeo is in Mantua, he has just found out that Juliet is dead, He is now feeling himself with deep sorrow and he curses “I defy you stars!” (V.I.24). When he mentions “I defy you …show more content…

He focuses more on physical no inward. While Mercutio and Romeo are talking at the capulets’ ball, He tells Romeo that if love is rough with him he should be rough with love also. Because when Mercutio says “If love be rough with you, be rough with love: Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. (I.II.27-28). When he mentions if love is rough with him and he should be rough with love also he explains that if love is hard on him then he should fight for it.
Friar Lawrence thinks love should be taken slow. It takes time for someone to fall in love, he also thinks it should be taken seriously. Tumultuous love leads to danger. For instance when he says “Wisely and slow.They stumble that run fast.”(I.III.95). He explains that those who move quickly, will come to danger. When he says “These violent delights have violent ends/And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume.(II.VI.9-11). He mentions that passionate love will lead to a violent end. They should be prepared for the consequences they’ll take after they get