
Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn." In the play "Romeo and Juliet", by William Shakespeare, the only child of two feuding families fall madly in love with each other. However, because of their parent's feud, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are forced to keep their relationship a secret because they know their families would never approve of their love. The parent's valued their petty feud over their own child's happiness, giving Romeo and Juliet no choice but to kill themselves in order to be together. While Romeo and Juliet did make many quick and irrational decisions, in the end, it was their parent's fault for their tragic death.

At the beginning of the play, Romeo's father …show more content…

An she agreed within her scope of choice, lies my consent and fair according voice", (Act 1, Scene 2). However later during the play, her parents arrange a marriage and tell her "...early next Thursday morn, the gallant, young, and noble gentleman, the County Paris, at Saint Peter's Church, shall happily make thee there a joyful bride", (Act 3, Scene 5). In response, Juliet tells them "Not proud you have, but thankful that you have. Proud can I never be of what I hate, but thankful even for hate that is meant love", (Act 3, Scene 5). Juliet tries to explain to her parents that while she's thankful for her parent's efforts, she doesn't want to marry Paris, whom her parent's like just because of his credentials. Angered with Juliet, her father yells "That God had lent us but this only child, but now I see this one is one too much and that we have a curse in having her. Out on her, hilding!" (Act 3, Scene 5). Before, he was all sweet and gentle when he told Paris that the person Juliet wants to marry is her decision and that his approval is only a part of it. However, when they tell Juliet that they're forcing her to marry Paris against her will, not knowing she's already married to Romeo, she respectfully declines which makes her father furious and he practically disowns her by saying she's a mistake and a …show more content…

Romeo's parents were concerned with how sad he was about Rosaline, but then he found Juliet and it was love at first sight. However, he knew his parents would disapprove of him dating her because Juliet's a Capulet. Juliet knows her parents would also disapprove of them because Romeo's a Montague. Her father later says directly to her that he wishes he never has her as a daughter which shows his short temper. Romeo and Juliet may have made irrational decisions, but nonetheless it was their parent's fault for not giving them the attention they deserved, for not loving them like their child, for valuing their petty, personal feud over their child's happiness, and making their child feel like suicide is the only option to achieving happiness, which makes them the one at fault for Romeo and Juliet's

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