
Romeo And Juliet Sand In My Boots Play Quotes

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Sand in my Boots by Morgan Wallen fits act one scene five because it conveys vanquishment in a relationship just like Romeo and Juliets in the play. In 1.5 Romeo is at the Capulet's ball and sees Juliet dancing with somebody. He sees her beauty and starts talking about it to his friends, but he is overheard by Tybalt. Although Romeo originally went to the party to see Rosaline, once he sees Juliet he knows that he has not truly been in love until that moment. “My eyes will swear that I never saw true beauty until tonight” (1.5. 52-53) This enrages Tybalt, as Romeo is from the Montegue family and Juleit as well as Tybalt are Capulets. “Now by the stock and honor of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (1.5. 55-56) This is seen to be Romeo and Juliet's first challenge in their relationship, as they are from two separate feuding families. Romeo's passion for Juliet is not disrupted by the two families' age long dispute, showing an immense amount of determination by him. Disregarding the family dispute that is going on, Romeo and Juliet meet each other for the first time and share their first kiss. “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early, seen unknown, and known too late!” (1.5. …show more content…

137-138) when Juleit said “My only love sprung from my only hate!”, it shows how quickly she could change her mind about someone who she thought she would hate ( Romeo, because he is a Montague) in the name of

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