
Romeo And Juliet's 'A Pair Of Star Coss' D Lovers

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A Pair of Star-coss’d Lovers
“A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life” (Shakespeare 698). You can’t tell me this doesn’t sound like a romance. This quote is from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are from two families that have had a feud for many years. The fighting has led to many disasters, but in the end, the story shows true love. We learn that love can be rough with two families that don't get along; they must figure out ways not to get in trouble. Despite the problems this true is a story on romance. A secret marriage is one way I think of a romance. Romeo and Juliet had to have a secret marriage because their family couldn’t find out they were in love. So to do this, Juliet planned to send out servant to tell Romeo the wedding plans because no one could know. Their marriage took place at the Fair’s cell in the evening. Juliet's servant and the Fair were the only ones who knew (Shakespeare 736-737). All I can think of is romance, but a kiss could make it way better. From the future was the kiss. The first kiss was seconds after meeting one another. Romeo kissed Juliet minutes after meeting her because he thought she was so beautiful he was in love with her so he asked if he could kiss her (Shakespeare 719). Romeo also confessed his love to Juliet an hour after meeting her, but she …show more content…

She confessed that is wouldn’t say mean things about Romeo because he was going to be her husband. This doesn’t change Juliet’s thoughts about Romeo. Juliet even tells the nurse. That she is not going to stop loving the Romeo for his mistakes (Shakespeare 757). Romeo did not want to kill Tybalt, but Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo because he came to the Capulet party and was not invited. Instead of them fighting Tybalt and Mercutio, Romeos best friend and so Romeo kill Tybalt in a fight (Shakespeare 751). To end this is a sad but romantic death of the two start-cross’d

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