Romeo And Juliet's Enemies

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have you ever wondered what the outcome of Romeo and Juliet's lives would have been had their families not been enemies? in my opinion, they would have been a lot happier. everyone knows that the biggest reason that Romeo and Juliet could not be together was the fact that their families were in the midst of a feud that had started hundreds of years ago. Juliet was forced to marry a count named Paris, whom she did not love. to top all this off, even the prince agrees that Romeo and Juliet probably would not have died it not been for their parents. Ultimately, the Capulet and Montague families are responsible for the unfortunate deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The only reason that Romeo and Juliet could not be together was their families' feud. …show more content…

Romeo is saying that he was eating dinner with the Capulets, and suddenly, he was wounded with love, and that she was wounded with love by him. He also tells the friar that he has the sacred power to cure them both through marriage. Juliet knows that she cannot be with Romeo because of the feud, but that does not stop from wishing that Romeo was not a Montague. "'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;/Thou art thyself, though not a Montague./What's Montague? It is hand nor foot,/Nor arm nor face, nor any other part/Belonging to a man. O be some other name!/What's in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other word would smell as sweet" (36). Then, she basically tells him to give up his name in exchange for her love! He is very willing to do this for her, and he asks Friar Lawrence how to get rid of it: "...O tell me, Friar, tell me,/In what vile part of this anatomy/Doth my name lodge? Tell me, that I may sack/the hateful mansion" (75). This is yet another example of how in love they are, even though it is forbidden by their families. On the balcony, Juliet warns Romeo of the danger of being in her