What Is The Documentation Regarding Trevion Romeo Speech Issue

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The school will providing documentation regarding Trevion Romeo speech issue, however, I want to address a few issues I also would like to be documented in this process.
1. It is my understanding that someone form Joliet West Transition team was/has communication with Trevion supervisor at Macey’s warehouse. If that is/was the case, then his speech issue should have been addressed and documetmnet in his file.
2. Trevion is not under medical superviosn for his speech issue(Medical doctor) he is under the treatment plan of a Speech therpis at the school.
3. I (Vanessa) review all documations that Trevion receives. I read all said documations he recevies to make sure he understand said doucments. We reviewed all paper work that he has received from Macy’s dating back September 2015 and I did not see the enclosed document in his paperwork. Not saying that what …show more content…

Also I want it to be noted that Trevion stated that he had used this said enhancement tool before to assist in his daily workload, and he was NOT counseled on not using said enhancement tool at anytime prior to the current circumstances, in question. 6. In these trying times I also realize that places of employment have to make sure that the safety of all of their team members are taken in consideration. Hower in this case I do believe it was just bad judgment on Trevion part.
Personal interjection:
When Trevion called me to informae me that he had a situation at work, I was under the impression it was a misunderstanding because he had a pocket knife on campus. When it was explained to me that someone acctual acused Trevion as a treated, I knew I had to intervene. Trevion is not a violent person, infact we have counsled him on more than one occasion because he tens to turn the other cheak . I hope this is not a profiling situation because he has a disablity. I hope once this situation is over that all involve will realize that people with disablity sometime are