Romeo's Infatuation

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In the play of Romeo & Juliet, William Shakespeare tells the story of two young, inexperienced teens who demonstrate their mistaken idea of infatuation for true love. Throughout the storyline, Romeo is represented as a fickle character who has a lack of emotional intelligence and never truly falls for either Rosaline or Juliet. After Romeo was turned down by Rosaline, Romeo says “..that you hit you miss: she’ll not be hit/ With Cupid’s arrow; she hath Dian’s wit” (1.1.216-217). Romeo’s unrequited love with Rosaline leaves him in desperation for returned love that he makes in his mind to be true. Still hung up on Rosaline, Romeo, after seeing Rosaline’s name on the party’s guest list, decides to “go along, no such sight to be shown,/ But to