Root Causes Of Human Trafficking Essay

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The effects were a result of the efforts in finding some of the root causes of human trafficking. We used due diligence in researching the effects of the causes we identified through the mind mapping and brain storming. The main effects of human trafficking are those endured by the victims. According to the Montgomery News article, victims are “subjected to emotional abuse, in addition to physical battery and rape” (Weaver, 2014). The physical and mental abuses have long lasting effects. If the women are fortunate enough to flee or be rescued, they then are faced to battle the battle of overcoming mental and physical wounds. Non-profit organizations such as Out of Darkness have teamed up with lawyers, counseling centers, rehab facilities, and help provide housing assistance to ensure that those who are rescued have a secure pathway to recovery (Out of Darkness, n.d.). …show more content…

“According to Policing the National Body: The Advocate for Human Rights; Stop Violence Against Women Trafficking and HIV/AIDS September 1, 2005 Sex, Race, and Criminalization, A Project of the Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment, 2002, numerous case studies have found that women in prostitution have significantly higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs), hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and other sexual health problems.” ("Trafficking and HIV/AIDS," 2005). Unwanted pregnancies are usually ended with forced abortions or miscarriages for a multitude of reasons. A recent study by Laura Lederer showed that “55% of the women surveyed had at least one abortion, and 30% had multiple abortions during the time of trafficking” (Plaster, 2014). Women who have endured multiple abortions often develop health issues that remain untreated until they find help or absolutely must receive medical

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