Roots Of Police Brutality

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ROOT of Police Brutality
Fear is an emotion induced by danger or threat that occurs in humans and animals which causes a change in behavior. Someone or something fears only because of their misconception and ignorance of knowing. In Angie Thomas’s, THE HATE YOU GIVE, Starr witness a police brutality situation which causes her to fear the justice system. Because of the countless events happening lately, Fear is the root of police brutality. Police brutality is a form of police misconduct which involves undue violence by police members. The fear that is the root of police brutality is built from racial bias and discrimination in the targeting and killing of unarmed Black people. The most fearful realization of it all is the failure to hold police …show more content…

Based on most local and national news stations, minorities are targeted for small crime offenses while majorities are literally blowing up the country. It is understood that the police could more effectively fight crime by targeting minor offenses (Hinkle 1). Those minor offenses are more likely done by minorities but more specifically Black Males. Raja Staggers-Hakim’s article argues the needs of Black male youth, relative to police killings, are captured, and persistent racial stereotypes that are often used to justify the extra judicial killings of unarmed African American boys and young men are challenged. His argument understands the social epidemic of police killings on the emotional and psychological well-being of Black males to put an end to police killings. “From the failure of national data collection monitoring systems to accurately capture the number of cases of extrajudicial killings by police, to the reluctance of the criminal justice system to appropriately indict police officers who intentionally profile and purposefully use deadly force, the United States faces a crisis in the policing system, and the most vulnerable victims are Black males” (Hakim …show more content…

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Hinkle, Joshua C. and David Weisburd. "The Irony of Broken Windows Policing: A Micro-Place Study of the Relationship between Disorder, Focused Police Crackdowns and Fear of Crime." Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 36, no. 6, Nov. 2008, pp. 503-512. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2008.09.010.
Johnson, Suzanne B. and Page L. Anderson. "Stereotype Confirmation Concern and Fear of Negative Evaluation among African Americans and Caucasians with Social Anxiety Disorder." Journal of Anxiety Disorders, vol. 28, no. 4, May 2014, pp. 390-393. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2014.03.003.
Staggers-Hakim, Raja. "The Nation’s Unprotected Children and the Ghost of Mike Brown, or the Impact of National Police Killings on the Health and Social Development of African American Boys." Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, vol. 26, no. 3/4, Apr-Jun2016, pp. 390-399. EBSCOhost,