Roper V. Simmons Case Study

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The case that i choose was Roper V Simmons. Roper V Simmons is about a minor Christopher Simmons and how he was charged with burglary, kidnapping, stealing and murder in the first degree. Before he had committed the crime he meet up with his 2 other friends that were younger than he was, John Tessmer and Charles Benjamin. Christopher and Charles went through with the plan but John did not, he was there for the “plot” of the pan but not actually present when they committed the crime. The crime that Simmons and Benjamin committed were breaking and entering the Crook residence, they broke in from the back door and when they turned the light on to steal they woke up Mrs. Shirley Crook they tied her up and threw her over the bridge where she was …show more content…

The verdict was that Simmons should be sentenced to death and that it was NOT a violation of his 8th and 14th amendment. “Missouri Supreme Court affirmed the conviction and the sentence.” Of course Simmons disagreed with that therefore he went to the supreme court, so that they would agree with him that it is a violation of his amendments. Roper the petitioner believed that Christopher should be sentenced to death because he killed someone, it doesn't matter that he was 17 when he did the crime. If you committed the crime you have to pay the price, shouldn't have done it if you can't do the …show more content…

This case is important because the kids that commit crimes are not being killed they are just sentenced to jail for life, but you don't see on the news minors killing and robbing people. No because kids or teenagers are not going around being charged with burglary, kidnapping, stealing and murder in the first degree. The case has not been replaced by any other but it has helped some cases and it has been helped by cases. My opinion on this case is odd, teens should not be wanting to kill people and if they have they should have to pay for it they did kill an innocent person. I understand that he was a minor and because he was it was cruel and unusual to put him to death but at the same time i feel that, it isn't fair that a innocent human being died and he gets to live. I'm not for killing people because we're (the government/prisons) killing people to show that killing isn't right and that makes zero sense but it should be somewhat fair make his life hell, or something he shouldn't get just life in prison he should have to work hard and want to get