Routine Activity Theory

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The focus of routine activity theory is to study crime as an event, highlighting its relation to space and time and emphasizing its ecological nature and the implications thereof (Cohen & Felson,1979). Routine activity theory explains the criminal event through three essential elements that converge in space and time in the course of daily activities, first, a potential offender with the capacity to commit a crime, second, a suitable target or victim and finally the absence of guardians capable of protecting targets and victims.
According to Cohen and Felson (1979), anyone had the potential to commit an offense and has the capacity to do such act. This could be likely young man, those unemployed and those people who have nothing to do in their …show more content…

First is to increase the effort of crime by target hardening, access control or by monitoring entrance and exits areas. Second is to increase the risk of crime by extending the guardianship or strengthening the surveillance. Third is to reduce the rewards by reducing the benefit of crime such as concealing or removing the targets. Forth is to reduce the provocations, to eliminate and avoid this kind of provocation it is need to reduce frustration and stress on every individual, avoid disputes, reduce emotional arousal, neutralize peer pressure, and discourage imitation and fifth is remove excuses, in every store there are different sets of rules, this rules must be posted in every corner this will make them aware of the existing rules or policy of the store and it will also guide them. All employees must be alert as well in detecting shoplifter, upon entering the store there bags must be check and prohibited items must be placed in baggage …show more content…

The study of Guerette and Bowers provides variety of valuable information on situational crime prevention. Their studies involve both the descriptive and analytical examination of the facts that they have gathered. Thus, this studies give us a collective picture of the extent to which the “displacement and diffusion” effects were provided in their analyses of SCP, there finding must not be taken as an exact quantification of the cause and effect of the study. Though they might encountered many challenges in this field of study in the near future. This study also offers support for the effectiveness of SCP and shared some important facts that might help in improving the study of Situational Crime