Rttls Assignment Lesson 1

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In Lesson 1 Clip 1, a positive learning environment is put in place to assist the focus learner in building motivation and self-determination to achieve the lesson objective which works towards the learning goal. For example, from 22 seconds to 39 seconds in lesson 1 clip 1, I asked the focus learner to name the coin on the screen (quarter). Once she answered the question, after stating other aspects of the quarter, she became excited and raised both hands in the air. I then provide encouraging feedback by stating “nice job.” Motivation and self-determination are also shown in lesson 1 clip 1 from 1:56 to 2:14. The focus learner showed her self-determination to learn in the given environment by asking who the president is on the nickel. After …show more content…

These examples also demonstrate the learner’s self-determination to learn. By creating a positive learning environment within the classroom assisted to boost the focus learner’s motivation to learn the new content. Her motivation paired with reviewing the content on the Coins PowerPoint helped the learner to build self-determination to learn the new material,even if the new material posed a challenge. This motivation to learn is shown throughout the entirety of lesson 1 clip 1 as the focus learner names every coin on the board, its value, and the president on each coin. Another example is shown in lesson 3 clip 1 from the beginning of the clip to 11 seconds when the focus learner answered my question regarding how many quarters are in a dollar. After I provide positive feedback, stating “right on” accompanied with positive body language, the focus learner says “yes” excitedly. Her response assisted in showing her continuous motivation to learn. Another example of the focus learner’s motivation towards the lesson is shown in lesson 3 clip 1 from 1:18 to

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