Rst1 Task 3

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STANDARDS A. Virginia Standard of Learning: 3.MD.8 The student will determine, by counting, the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less, compare the value of the bills and coins, and make change. (Virginia Department of Education, 2011). B. Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning: The student will determine by counting the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less, compare the value of the coins or bills, and make change. (Aligned Math Standards, n.d.) The standards will be altered some based on $5.00, but it will be a bigger dollar amount. However, it will based on counting by $5.00. Therefore, their maximum dollar amount will be 15.00. IEP Goal: The student will compare the value of ten items on a grocery list while spending less than $15.00 by referencing whether or not the items are needs or wants. They will obtain only the necessary materials. …show more content…

When presented with a list of four items, the student will compare the value of four items on a grocery list while spending less than $15.00 referencing whether or not the items are needs or wants. They will obtain only the necessary materials and recording the completion at 85% accuracy, across ten consecutive sessions. 2. When presented with a list of seven items, the student will compare the value of seven items on a grocery list while spending less than $15.00 referencing whether or not the items are needs or wants. They will obtain only the necessary materials and recording the completion at 85% accuracy, across ten consecutive sessions. 3. When presented with a list of ten items, the student will compare the value of ten items on a grocery list while spending less than $15.00 referencing whether or not the items are needs or wants. They will obtain only the necessary materials and recording the completion at 85% accuracy, across ten consecutive