Rumination Book Report

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It’s 10 PM. Do you know where your worries are?

What’s that you say? In bed with you? Just as we suspected.

In ON HIGHER GROUND, psychologist Jane Doe poses the question: When did the United States become Rumination Nation—and how can we climb out of this pit of toxic rumination onto higher ground? Drawing from award-winning psychological research, Dr. Doe examines the rising epidemic of rumination as it pertains to relationships, careers, the family, and the self. Through careful consideration, she strives to unearth the root of the problem and provide readers with healthier modes of reflection. Accompanying each chapter of the book are stories and quotes drawn from extensive interviews—anecdotes that serve to demonstrate real-life ruminators on the transformative trajectory from rumination to healthy reflection.

This is an especially timely book. As Dr. Doe notes in her proposal, rumination is a destructive phenomenon unique to the past few decades. Our grandparents desired the same things that we do (healthy relationships, meaningful careers, money to support a family)—but unlike us, they did not feel entitled to these things. As a result, …show more content…

Practical, informative, relatable, and inherently stimulating, ON HIGHER GROUND appeals to the reader’s natural sense of curiosity. Whether skimming a Psychology Today article or taking a BuzzFeed quiz, readers love to learn about themselves. Unlike your average BuzzFeed quiz, however, Dr. Doe isn’t spouting mere speculation. Rather, she has interviewed 1,300 adults ranging in age from 25 to 75. This extensive research, coupled with Dr. Doe’s impressive qualifications in the field of psychology, lends the book scientific credibility. Chapter by chapter, readers can satiate this curiosity while simultaneously improving themselves as human beings. The stakes of this book are