
Rumors In To Kill A Mockingbird

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With today's negative use of social media, rumors can spread to hundreds of people in a matter of seconds. I have experienced the effect of these rumors when I had a friend who had gotten in trouble at school. I wanted to know what happened. While I heard several different stories, I did not know what ones to believe. The next day when I saw my friend, he explained what had happened and it was nowhere near as bad as what I had heard online. Unfortunately, misinformation and rumors can often desolate ones reputation and way of life. In Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Maycomb’s citizens bully the finches and Tom Robinson because of their different views and opinions.
Unfortunately, the Finches are bullied by the townspeople’s unjust opinions. The town of Maycomb unfairly subjects the …show more content…

When something bad happens in Maycomb, people are quick to assume that it was done by a black person. Nathan Radley shoots at Jem, Dill, and Scout when they were in his backyard. While He did not see who the intruder is, rumors still quickly spread: “Mr. Radley shot at a negro in his collard patch”(61). even though no one saw who was in the patch, the neighbors assumed it was a black person with no evidence it was one. when the trial is near, Atticus talks to uncle jack about it saying: “‘It couldn’t be worse Jack. The only thing we’ve got is a black man's word against the Ewells’. The evidence boils down to you-did—i didn’t. The jury couldn’t possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson’s word against the Ewells’— are you acquainted with the Ewells?’”(100). Atticus knows there is little hope in the case because of Tom Robinson’s skin color. People in Maycomb barely, if at all, think of blacks as people. Therefore, If a black man is being charged with a crime against a white woman, there’s little to no chance of getting out of it. The townspeople unfairly discriminate blacks and do not give them the respect they

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