Rumpelstiltskin Quotes

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The theme that I have chosen and going to talk about is ‘Selfish and greedy desires can often lead a person to overlook the positive in others’. I have chosen this theme in Rumpelstiltskin’s story because Rumpelstiltskin is willing to do something unless he gets something out of it, just like valuable accessories and perhaps a baby. I believe this suits him very well and in his story because he has shown that theme in it in 3 simple ways. A) “the little man took the necklace, sat down before the spinning wheel and wir-wir-wir, in a trace the reel was full”. I have used this quote because it is telling people that he is willing to take anything that is valuable to the person and is willing to work for it. He did not choose to help teach the …show more content…

I have chosen this quote from the story because he is also willing to grab anything that is available to the woman and just easily work for it because he knew that the woman needed help and he also knew that she would be able to give away anything that is valuable for help. C) “Well, promise me your first child if you become Queen”. I have chosen this quote because Rumpelstiltskin would take anything and everything from the woman just to help her and also help himself to get rich. I have chosen these three quotes from the story because it is true that these quotes shows how rumplestiltskin is in the story and what best describes him because he is very greedy and he is willing to take anything that is worth a lot of money to do the job for others. I can see this theme portray in real life because I have seen people work for others but they will not work until they get something pricy out of it, some people will not work for nothing. For example, it is like having a job, people work to get paid and some people chose to get extra shifts just to earn more money. This theme is not just an example of having a job, it is also an example of using people just for money and/or to get something out of it because some people do not just do stuff for

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