Runoff: Poem Analysis

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Title: Runoff Suck a nipple. That 's a phrase i picked up from last year. It 's October. Last year 's, like, two seconds ago and a light year away. I told this to my therapist and she just shook her head, no, no, no. The dogs all bark when i walk past. I caught a snake and bit its head off, regretted it when it stopped moving. Wanted to use the bloody saliva like a lip stain, but i 'm a neat eater. I don 't eat anymore, makes my stomach pain. I wonder if i have issues, gender or vanity. They 're the same thing, Gender and Vanity. Synonymous, Race and Disgrace. History is a common grievance among, the present a poisonous cupcake; a headless snake master of itself. A trick, a snake-in-the-grass, a son-of-a-bitch. (don 't swear) (I 'll swear if