Rush Hour 2 Racial Stereotypes

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The author trying to analyzed the racial stereotype concept using racial jokes . Rush film 2 (2001) is about two police officers. Cater is one police offices and he is from Los Angeles and the other police office is Lee. he is from Hong Kong. This film had tremendous success. According to the article that “Rush hour 2’s enormous commercial success makes it an ideal example through which to explore the apparent paradox between potentially racist representation in comedy and its widespread popularity transcending racial boundaries”.(152) . In this film, we can understand racial differences properly. Because of the racial stereotype concept in comedy
In week eleven we required to read an essay “Race and Race Theory” by Howard Winant . I learned from this essay that race is a sociological concept . According to the essay that “Thus, any effective sociological theory of race seems to require, at a minimum, comparative historical and …show more content…

According to this article the author had interest three functional species in the Star wars film (1999). They are re Phantom Menace, Jar Jar Binks and the Gungan. And also from this article I leaned that “What we can usefully draw from this research ,I think ,is the notion that to read a text as ‘racist’ depends, as do most readings, on interpretive community. Certainly, ethnic background is an important factor, as, it seems, is age: younger viewers are unlikely to be aware of the historical stereotyping of Japanese, Jewish and African-American identity during the 1940s which, according to many critics, informs Lucas’ depiction of alien races. Education, in the broadest sense, also plays a part; once they had been introduced to this historical material, most of my respondents joined a new interpretive community which viewed the film through a shared framework.”( pg