Russel Vought Argument Analysis

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In this article, the senator Bernie Sanders had a strong debate with the nominee to deputy by the president donald trump, russel Vought; about a post made by russel bought in 2016 implying that the Islamic community did not know Christ, and that's why they were going to be condemned. What Sanders considered discriminatory towards the Islamic community, and unleashed a long debate that had nothing to do with the current topic which was relevant to Russell's role in government. This discussion caused controversy because Senator Bernie Sanders was accused by some people of violating article IV of the constitution. This is a very complex issue because the statements made by Vought can be taken in many different ways because they are related to …show more content…

The Senators say that Barret relied on religious facts in his speech by saying a phrase such as "" Your legal career is but a means to an end, and. . . that end is building the kingdom of God. ""; and because of this, Senators Cruz and Grassley accused Professor Barret of letting herself be influenced by her religious beliefs when making these statements. It must be taken into account that two professors from the University of Notre Dame accused the senators of letting themselves be carried away by a "religious bias" when they questioned it; that is, violate Article IV of the …show more content…

The Senators have no right on questioning any of her religious beliefs and saying she will base her judgement at the time of making decisions in the court. Especially due to the fact that the Federals Appeal Court Nominee Barnett previously wrote about this topic affirming that "... Catholic judges who find a conflict between their religious views and a specific case need to step aside from that case." What totally contradicts the fact that she is being questioned by the senators. In my opinion, each individual can be a participant of the religion that he wants, with such and not trespassing certain limits; in this case the politicians. As Feinstein says "... I think whatever a religion is, it has its own dogma." The law is totally different. " According to the author of this article, one of the advantages of this country is thanks to the First Amendment, which indicates a separation of church and state, makes easy the freedom of thought with respect to religious practices. However, As we read, the author contradicts himself because then they refer to the case in which several senators question the Federal Appleas court nominee Amy Barrett about getting carried away by their religious beliefs at the time of a