
Russian Revolution 1917: A Big Year For Russia As A Nation

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Angel Macagno
Russian Revolution Essay

1917 was a big year for Russia as a nation. It was the year a Revolution caused Czarist Russia to cease to exist and help the Provisional Government come to power (February Revolution), and when yet another revolution, which was started by the Bolsheviks, to overthrow the Provisional Government took place (October Revolution). Both revolutions had been mixed together and named the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution had three main reasons that caused it to happen, the first politically, the second socially, and the third economically. Politically, the Russian people hated the idea of the autocracy of Czar Nicholas II to the extent of regret, while also hating the outdated and corruptness of his government. Most people living in Russia at that time were not satisfied anymore with the autocratic system that had been in use, as they had no say in how the government should have been run, or which people should be in charge of running it. This led to protests, though peaceful, against the government, which ultimately ended in the brutal killings of unarmed protesters outside of the Czar’s palace by his guards, which …show more content…

What started Russia’s economic problems was its slightly old-fashioned economy. Russia’s agriculture was mostly taken care of by peasants working on their own, and some without the basic machinery needed to properly work the soil. As Russia was very cold, the crops would only grow for only 4-6 months out of the year, compared to the rest of Europe’s growing season being 8-9 months out of the year. A main economic problem was how the state exchanger had no money due to the wasteful ways of spending money of the Czar, the very expensive wars, the liability of keeping a large government and army, and disproportionate methods of

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