S. K Vs Constable Garrett Styles Case Study

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In the case of S.K vs Constable Garrett Styles, I would sentence S.K to the same punishment that his now facing. Not only banished to the solitude of his house S.K, is serving a much harsher sentence than most within the public think. The judge, justice Sonsa said to reporters that the defendant, S.K is "already serving a life sentence, imprisoned in his wheelchair.". This statement although true did not please the styles family by any means. The passed father of two young children Garrett was killed while doing a routine check. Attempting to avoid having his parents car impounded S.K drive off 300m while half of Styles body was still in the vehicle. The car later hit a ditch and rolled over crashing and killing Garrett. Taking into consideration that he had killed an officer the sentence that she should have received automatically would be five years. …show more content…

The judge did not feel as though this sentence would be a wise one for this particular case. S.K the teenager in charge of the wheel ended up a quadriplegic, though unintentional the sacrifice of his limbs as well as 25 years off of his life, is what saved him from facing a harsh prison sentence. The judge decided that S.K would not live if he were to stay in a jail, due to his current physical situation. S.K required 24-7 medical attention. These services Justice Sonosa felt could not be provided, at the rehabilitation facility that S.K was supposed to attend, hence his final decision. Although the Styles family was not overjoyed to hear of this sentencing the young defendant is now facing a punishment greater than any legal punishment (excluding the death sentence) the courts could have appointed