SATS: A Brief Summary And Analysis

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SATS (standard assessment tests) were for all children in at the end of Key Stage 1 (year 2) and Key Stage 2 (year 6). They were used to track all children’s progress compared to others the same age, there was an average score for each age group, for example 100. An eight year old and a nine year old, both have the standard age of 110, this means they have performed equally well in relation to the average for their respective age groups. In year 2 each child is teacher assessed in Reading, writing for example spelling and handwriting, maths for example number, shape, space and measurement and science. Each child was set work to judge their ability. During my time at Ysgol Deganwy I didn’t not undertake any SATS tests. SATS were abolished for …show more content…

Because of this he decided to introduce a national scheme of inspections, which was called the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). During the Education Schools Act in 1992, Her Majesty's Inspectors would carry out hundreds of tests and inspections on every state school in the country and publish them (REFERNCE). They help improve the standards of schools and monitor their progress. Their aim it to reach excellence in schools and for pupils of all ages (Ofsted, 2015).
There was lots of criticisms of this inspection. Because the inspectors have such a short amount of time to see the school this does not truthfully signify the school or a normal day to day basis. Before 2005 the school was only inspected for 1 week, every 6 years. Each school was also given 2 months to organise for the inspection. The head teacher and staff disagreed with is as it caused huge disruption to the school. Not only this but the 2 months of preparation also meant that the school could put ‘on a show’ and this would not truly reflect the schools day to day teaching and learning (Telegraph, 2004). Parents were keen on seeing Ofsted reports as this is a good measure of the excellence – or not – of their child’s education. The report after the inspection would be published online for all to view. There would be written comments on certain areas and an overall rating. 1 would be outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4, inadequate. Any schools rated good or outstanding would may not have an inspection again for another 5 or 6 years. Those schools rated satisfactory and inadequate would be visited more