SMART Goal Setting Report

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Based my Can Do Statements I have an issue with reducing oral information to important points with accurate details. Despite the fact that I defined this point as "I can do it" in April, I constantly faced this problem regarding its oral part. Thus, I decided to make a goal according to this issue. As far as I concerned, the best way to achieve any goal is to follow a fundamental SMART goal setting theory. First of all, I would like to determine objective's specification. Taking notes of lectures in the class is a concrete way to practice of cutting down to important any material. In this way, the beginning of my goal sounds like "I will take notes of teachers lectures in school...". The second requirement of the SMART goal is measurable. …show more content…

Now we come to the third part of the goal "Achievable". Here is I just need to answer some questions like "Is it possible? Do I have skills and abilities to accomplish the goal? My answer is "Yes, it is real" and "Yes, I do". In my opinion, it is a reasonable somehow, logical and foolproof way to do it successfully. For instance, I can recognize 90% of words of the teacher's speech that gives me a possibility to compose them. Also, I always can ask about the meaning of the word or find an interpretation of it in a dictionary. Relevant is the next part of the clever goal. In my case, training of reducing oral information while taking notes will help me get important points in future workshops in WorkBC program "Bridges for women". Lastly, I would like to set the time frame. My first reviewing will be in two weeks. If I am unhappy with improving my skills, I inspect my notes and repeat the 2-weeks-term again. Within four weeks I should succeed my goal. Such wise, I have a definition of my goal: "Within two weeks in one part out of four of class, two times per week I am going to take notes with reducing oral information to important points with accurate