The case under analysis revolves around "fraud charges against four former SMF Energy Corp. officers". (SEC Charges Former Officers of SMF Energy With Fraud, n.d., para. 1). The problem is that some former officials of SMF Energy Corp. officers used their power to align the unfair schemes that helped them to obtain some extra benefits. It means that they "inflated SMF’s revenues through a fraudulent billing scheme" (SEC Charges Former Officers of SMF Energy With Fraud, n.d., para. 2). SEC (security and Exchange Commission) states that SFM overbilled some customers by charging for fuel that was not delivered (Lincoff, 2015). The given scheme could be characterized as unfair and it obviously helped the company to obtain extra benefits. The overbilling began in 2004 (Gorman, 2015) and it was used by the company. However, it triggered the growth of the dissatisfaction among the customers and lead to the trial. Additionally, the problem became more complicated because of the announcement of the SFM`s bankruptcy because of the fall of its revenues. Thus, it should also be said that the main figurants of this case deny their fault, saying that there were no unfair schemes used by SFM and …show more content…
First of all, it should be said that the situation is complicated by the theoretical bankruptcy of the company. Additionally, it should be said that the agents involved in the conflict have their own perspectives on the given situation and try to protect their interests. Thus, customers like USPS and some other companies were overbilled and obviously had some losses. It means that they might have the right to strive for the compensation for loss from the company or the former officers of SFM. At the same time, these very officers also have the right to protect themselves and prove the fact that all actions of the company were fair and organized in accordance with the existing