American Apparel Mission Statement

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I have decided to do my project on American Apparel. This company was founded in 1998 by the CEO and founder Dov Charney. His business model was to create trendsetting garments that would appeal to a broad range of consumers as well as effectively react to any market changes. One of the things that caught my eye about their mission statement was that they advertised that their goal was to create great quality garments without cheap “sweatshop” labor (2016). I believe that the biggest strength that the company possessed was the ability to not rely on outsourcing to develop their brand. For a company to be able to keep every aspect of providing for the consumers in-house, ranging from manufacturing, distribution, and retail sales, they gave themselves an upper hand when it comes to profits within the company. For example, they were able to grow their stores from 147 in 2006 to 260 in 2008, which in itself is an accomplishment for any business because it allows that business to be able to …show more content…

This issue caused them to have to fire those employees which in turn affected every aspect of business. They were unable to adequately complete orders in a timely manner and meet the consumers demands, which overall caused product depletion or “stock outs”. Due to this occurrence, the company had a 92% decrease in operating profit from 2008 ($36million) to 2009 ($3million). The net profit fell from $14 million in 2008 to $1 million in 2009 and the operating income went from $24 million to -$50 million in 2010. To sum it all up, for a business to run smoothly in all areas, they must have people to carry out those functions and if businesses fail to consider that as a huge function to success, it can’t succeed which is the example this company

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